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Make your CV stand out with these dos and don'ts.

Looking for a job? AtWork staffing services can help you land that gig, but there's an important first step - a VERY important first step - toward employment that can make or break your chance to get in the door. It's your resume - a wide-ranging sample of your work history, achievements and goals that's key to grabbing a hiring manager's attention right off the bat. Here are three do's, and three don'ts, to make sure you wield your resume effectively:

DO: Include links to an online portfolio, social media or work examples. But make sure you don't have anything objectionable on your social media platforms.

DON'T: Fail to proofread your resume before sending it. Reading it aloud can ensure it flows and is not too balky or wordy. Use spellcheck religiously, and have a friend or mentor review your resume before you ship it off.

DO: Include appropriate keywords highlighting your skills, and make sure you tailor your tone and approach to the job description. Many companies sort resumes by keyword searches tailored to the position they want filled.

DON'T: Include slang or jargon or too many industry-specific keywords. This might suggest you are trying to overcompensate.

DO: Keep your resume to one page, and keep your sentences tight and concise. Use numbers soon after action verbs, for instance, "I helped the company achieve 15 percent growth by increasing employee retention rates by 27 percent."

DON'T: Forget to include an email address, physical address and phone number. If your resume passes muster, a hiring manager must have a way to contact you, and the most common follow-up is an initial phone interview.

Finding a new job can be daunting, but a good resume can get you in the door and set you apart from the competition. Here are two last do's and don'ts: DO have faith in yourself. DON'T give up. AtWork provides companies with flexible employment solutions with the highest level of service available. For more human resources and staffing tips, visit our website.