Job Seeker FAQs

  • How Soon Can I Start Working?

    Job availability changes on a daily basis. Once our application process is complete, you will be considered based on your preferences and your skills and will be offered appropriate positions.

  • What is Involved in the Application Process?

    You will need to come into our office and fill out an application. You will be asked to provide complete work history information as well as asked preference of shift, type of work and preference of location.

    After the application is complete, you will interview with a staffing manager. In the interview, you will have the opportunity to discuss what vocational skills you have and what you are looking for in your next position. The staffing manager will discuss not only what specific skills you have, but also find out more about your experiences in job-related settings.

    Once you have completed the interview, you will go through basic safety training and, for office and professional positions, may be asked to do some computer testing to determine skill levels.

    AtWork Medical does reference checks with previous employers and other references provided by applicants. Once reference information is complete, you will be offered jobs based on all the factors of your interview process.

  • How Often Should I Contact Your Office After an Interview?

    AtWork has a check-in line which applicants are encouraged to use to maintain availability. You will be asked to leave your name, phone number, and what type of work you are interested in. We realize that it is not always convenient for you to check in on a daily basis, you are simply encouraged to stay in touch with our office so we are aware of your availability.

  • What If I am not Interested in a Position When it is Offered?

    Not every job is going to meet the expectations you have. If you are not interested in a position you are free to decline. We will continue to offer positions to you based on your skills and preferences.




  • What if I am on an Assignment and Decide it's not for Me?

    We realize that not every job is a good fit for you, sometimes you do not know that until you have tried the position.  If you are on an assignment and find it is not going to work for you, we will ask that you contact us immediately. You may be asked to stay at an assignment long enough for us to find a replacement, but we will attempt to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. As with any interaction, communication is the key. We expect open communication from our field employees and they can expect the same from the AtWork Medical office.

  • What do I Pay for your Services?

    As an applicant, you will not pay for any of the services AtWork provides.

  • How Can I Stay Informed About Open Positions?

    Some of our positions will be posted on our website. We also maintain a “hot job” line with a listing of positions we are currently filling. These two locations will list a portion of the jobs we have open but are not a complete listing.

Employer FAQ

  • How Much Will it Cost my Company?

    The cost to you will vary based on several factors, including account volume, workers’ comp costs, and lead time for our staffing managers. AtWork is committed to providing quality employees to your company at a competitive price.

  • What is the Process for Finding Employees Through AtWork?

    Our search and recruitment efforts begin immediately. AtWork will get the details of the position from you so we will send the most qualified applicants for your needs. By clearly understanding your needs and the requirements of the position, we can select the best candidates.

    You will be asked to complete a credit application and provide wage information as well as a job description for the position. We will provide a rate letter to you and provide information on our services and our policies.

  • How Long Will it Take to Have an Employee in Our Company?

    The time frame for successfully finding an employee for you is going to vary based on our current employee base and your specific needs. We are committed to sending the most qualified applicants. You may decide to look at the most qualified applicants and do an interview, or we can fill a position based on the qualifications you provide.

  • What Kind of Background Checks do you Provide?

    Every applicant is reference checked based on the work history provided by the applicant. We have some clients that request a drug screen, driving record screen or criminal background check. AtWork can provide these services as well as meet any other needs you might have for background or security checks. These can be coordinated through our office for a fee, or you may decide to do them yourself through your usual service providers.

  • What if I am not Satisfied with an Employee Placed by AtWork?

    We realize that not every job is a fit for every person, and sometimes that is not clear until the person is working. Our temporary-to-hire program provides an opportunity for you to see an employee in the work setting and determine if they will be someone you want to hire. If you are not satisfied with an employee, we can replace them. We also offer direct placement services and guarantees vary based on the contract for each client.

  • What Kind of Jobs do you Fill?

    AtWork is a full-service staffing company and we handle positions in all areas of a variety of industries.  By having a broad base of applicants, as well as various recruiting resources, we can meet your needs in most areas of your business.