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Social media sites are a great way to attract potential job recruiters. LinkedIn, a social platform devoted largely to business and networking, is one of the most obvious ways to leverage social media presence into a potential temporary or temp-to-hire job. On Facebook, friends and colleagues can alert you to jobs their contacts may be hiring for, and a quick perusal of your social media content can help a recruiter determine whether you are the right person for the job.

Be careful, though. There are plenty of social-media pitfalls to avoid while looking for a job – and also when you may already have it.

Here are five things to avoid on social media when looking for a job:

1. Inactivity: Don’t neglect it completely out of fear some may find the content inappropriate. If a prospective employer can’t find you online, you don’t exist. Conversely, failure to accept a “friend” request from a potential employer can leave them wondering why you are hesitant to share your social media habits. Most hiring managers today will undoubtedly look you up on social media, and you should be prepared for that.
2. Questionable content: Don’t post content that suggests you have a penchant for criminal behavior such as substance abuse. In the same vein, refrain from posting multiple images of you partying with friends. Most employers won’t overly concern themselves with what you do in your own time, but photo after photo of beer pong, whiskey bottles and examples of general tomfoolery may make your employer question both your judgment and fitness for the position.
3. Politics. Avoid obvious political tirades. While most employers won’t really care about your political stripes, polarizing political statements can again make them question your online judgment and sense of tolerance or fairness. And, simply put, a potential employer may not share your political ideologies.
4. Consistent grammatical errors or misspellings. Good writing skills are key to more and more jobs. If a potential recruiter or staffing agency notices you can’t write your way out of a paper bag, it may be game over – quickly.
5. Oversharing. A recruiter doesn’t want to slog through a million photos of your delicious lunch. Select content carefully. Don’t post a photo of your drunken buddy who is passed out and covered with Sharpie ink. This might make a recruiter question your gravitas.

To recap: Social media can be a powerful tool to help you find a job. But it can also be a powerful way to prevent you from getting a job. Post and proceed with caution.

For more information on proper use of social media in the search for a temporary or temp-to-hire job – and to gain a better understanding of the jobs available and how employees are recruited – visit us at AtWork..