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Massive layoffs, inflation, the high cost of living, high turnover and the challenges inherent in recruiting new hires are causing talent acquisition teams to look at new recruitment strategies in 2023.

Here are 5 recruiting trends that will shape how companies acquire talent in 2023:

  • Recruiters will need to apply marketing strategies to attract new talent
  • A bigger focus on providing a positive candidate experience
  • Greater emphasis on using contingency (contract) workers
  • Remote interviewing, hiring and onboarding will continue
  • Artificial Intelligence and automation will help lean teams become more efficient

Let’s have a deeper dive into each of these to see how they will define recruiting in 2023.

Recruiters are acting more like marketers

One way that recruiters will act more like markers is by creating a strong employer brand that lets job candidates what their company’s value proposition is, what the company values are and why employees love working for the company.

Videos, blog posts and social media can all be used to sell your brand to the candidates that you’re targeting and who are also looking at you.

Competition for today’s talent is high, so recruiters will need to use their “bag of tricks” to deliver content that demonstrates why candidates should want to choose your company to work for. A dynamic careers webpage, employee testimonials, job-targeted ads, a list of employee resource groups and social media posts that target specific open roles that candidates are looking for will help to draw candidates into your pipeline.

Provide a positive candidate experience

The last thing you want is a negative candidate experience. Disengaged interviewers, lack of follow through and ghosting candidates can easily land you a negative post on Glassdoor, one of the top sites that candidates use to see what employees and job candidates are saying about a company. Bad reviews can damage your company brand and hurt the likelihood that others will want to work for you.

How can you create a stellar candidate experience?

  • Make sure that your career site is attractive and tells a good story about who you are and why employees like working for your company.
  • Create an engaging company page on LinkedIn, Glassdoor and other popular job portals.
  • Make sure that your job descriptions are gender neutral and that they specify why someone would enjoy working in that role for your company.
  • Always respond to candidates in a timely manner, even if it’s to provide a brief update on where they are in the consideration phase.
  • When setting up interviews, be sure to let the candidate know who they are meeting with, their title and LinkedIn address, and anything they need to do to prepare for the interview.
  • Be prepared for candidates to want to interview your company as well; interviews are definitely two-way streets these days as candidates know what they want from a potential employer, and many won’t settle for less.
  • Make sure you keep all candidates informed. When you select a candidate for a job, call them to congratulate them and follow up with a formal offer letter. Be sure to let candidates who weren’t chosen know that you have gone with another candidate and provide some feedback as to why you chose the one you did.

When you provide a great candidate experience, you also set yourself up for future success when candidates tell others about their positive experience interviewing for your company. You’ll also have candidates to retain in your pipeline for any similar future roles.


The use of contingency workers/contractors is growing

Many candidates today are looking for contractor or gig work because of the flexibility it offers. Companies too are looking to recruit these workers as well because it keeps overhead at a minimum when compared to full-time employees. Some roles don’t warrant a full-time employee, and many start-ups that may not be aware of their long-term needs may choose to bring on experienced contractors to try them out, without having to pay benefits, large salaries or paid time off.

Companies who use contingent workers need to have a system in place to recruit, manage and pay them because they generally are not set up on the company’s payroll.

Remote interviewing, hiring and onboarding will continue

Remote interviewing became a thing with the pandemic, and even though many employees have returned full- or part-time to the office, remote interviewing will continue as companies are aware that they can source talent from anywhere today.

Ladder predicted that 25% of professional jobs in North America would be remote by the end of 2022, and that opportunities to work remotely would continue to increase through 2023. An AT&T study predicted that hybrid work would grow from 42% in 2021 to 81% in 2024.

Remote interviewing and hiring also breeds remote onboarding. Many companies are supplying new hires with laptops and home office stipends to make onboarding easier and more efficient. When remote onboarding isn’t done correctly, or it isn’t successful, new hires may become frustrated and leave. So virtual “water coolers” and “coffee chats” have become commonplace as ways to bring new hires into the company culture while developing integral company relationships.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation aids recruitment

Recruitment will likely include the use of more technology to automate many processes that have previously been repetitive or manual in nature. Technology also can provide data-driven insights that facilitate informed decision-making.

Like other internal departments, talent acquisition teams are adopting automation to take on repetitive, time-consuming tasks, including posting jobs simultaneously to multiple job platforms and parsing resumes to look for specific skills.

The use of data and analytics can improve both time and cost to hire, while also helping to bring greater diversity into the ranks. Robotic process automation (RPA) is being deployed because of its ability to perform manual, repetitive tasks quickly and efficiently – tasks such as finding, screening and ranking candidates for a particular job based on their skills and experience.

AI is being used to:

  • Predict and prioritize talent needs
  • Identify qualified candidates
  • Help in assessing candidate skills
  • Screen, score and rank candidate resumes
  • Provide data insights that help with decision-making

The use of AI and automation is helping recruiters to focus on more strategic goals. While some recruitment functions can be automated, recruiters will never be replaced because human interaction is still a large part of the recruitment process. 

What recruitment trends do you plan to incorporate this year? If you’re looking for new employees to join your team, we’d love to be AtWork for YOU! Visit atwork.com/locations to find an office near you.