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  1. Update your resume

 If there is one thing you are going to want to do before you start searching and applying to jobs, it’s going to be to update your resume. This is the most important factor when applying for jobs. Whether you create your own resume or utilize a resume builder, reviewing and rewording your resume is super important. Make sure that your job task summaries are straight to the point and cover the overall tasks that you perform on a daily basis. You may even find it beneficial to update your resume for varying positions and to use keywords that relate directly to the job description that you are applying for.


  1. Create a cover letter that you can personalize for each application

 While writing a cover letter for many job applications is optional, it will always stand out to the recruiter. It offers them in-depth insight into your job history and skills before the first interview. It even allows them to understand your reason behind why you may be a good fit for the role. This may be what allows you to stand out among other candidates and give you the opportunity to truly express your potential on paper.


  1. Update your LinkedIn and USE IT!

 Most recruiters and employers will look you up on LinkedIn. This is where they will go to find out even more about your career history and the companies that you have worked for. Make sure that your LinkedIn is up to date and professional at all times.


  1. Set aside time each day to apply to jobs

 Be consistent with your job search, nothing is guaranteed. Until you have a physical job offer that you are happy with, continue to make sure that you are applying to jobs every day. New job openings will pop up on a daily basis and you don’t want to miss out on what may be the best fit for you!


  1. Practice phone calls and virtual interviews

Practice makes perfect. Whether it is a mock interview or simply preparing answers to questions, information to talk about, or questions for your interviewer, practicing and preparing for your interview is super important. An interview will be able to tell who came prepared and who didn’t.


  1. Research companies before you interview with them

The interviewer will be able to notice whether or not you have researched the company. It always looks best if you have shown that you have taken the time to learn about them beforehand and come prepared.


  1. Gather questions about the role and the company

Chances are that your interviewer is going to ask you if you have any questions about the company if you have ever heard of them or know what they do. Questions always show the hiring manager that you are interested in not just this position but the company itself.


  1. Develop examples and stories that showcase your skills and work

If you are in a field where you can gather a portfolio of your work, make sure to share this with the recruiter or hiring manager. Showcasing your skills is one of the best ways for them to determine whether or not you would be a good fit for the role.


  1. Write thank you notes for each interview

Writing thank you notes to your interviewer is super important! Make sure to thank them for their time and remind them of what you discussed during the interview and why you may think you are a great fit for the role.


  1. Use your network

Make sure you are making the most of whom you know! This goes for people in your everyday life, LinkedIn connections, previous professors, etc…  you’d be shocked to learn about openings that you may not have heard about otherwise!



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