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How much could possibly change in a year, right? A lot, it seems, and the pandemic has only proved that! We’re approaching the two-year anniversary of when COVID started affecting most of the United States, but both years have been drastically different in the hiring and recruiting world, even if they have some overarching themes.


Though recruiting took on the virtual landscape out of necessity in 2020 and continued in 2021, the industry was already trending toward virtual tools before the pandemic and will keep embracing the most convenient aspects of it. However, 2020 saw skyrocketing layoff and unemployment numbers, while 2021 has been characterized by employees quitting in droves as part of what’s been coined the “Great Resignation.” Obviously, a lot can change in one year, so what can we expect in 2022? Here are a few trends we predict:


Employee Satisfaction

It’s truly been a job seeker’s market lately. Many employees feel more empowered than ever to quit their jobs in favor of higher salaries and better benefits elsewhere, and we’ve seen employers struggle to find people to fill those newly empty positions. As a result, we expect to see businesses place larger focus on retention efforts to avoid losing those employees in the first place.


Social Media Recruiting

Recruiters have had a difficult year. Going hand in hand with the virtual trends, we expect to see recruiters getting more creative with those virtual efforts to find employees. According to this blog from Timerack, “One survey found that 78% of recruiters have begun expanding their search for candidates beyond traditional sites like LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, and Indeed. They’re now also using Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media sites to find the right people.”


Focus on Soft Skills

As employees are getting harder to find, we expect more employers to look past lacking skillsets in favor of necessary soft skills and trainability. All-important soft skills often can’t be taught, but managers can usually teach a cooperative job seeker the job’s daily tasks, tech tools, etc.


At AtWork, we believe that remaining committed to your business’s core values while also keeping up with trends will set your business up for success. In 2022, we’ll continue to be AtWork for YOU! Visit atwork.com/locations to find an office near you.