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You probably already know that finding people to fill your open positions takes time, but have you ever thought about exactly how much time you’d be spending? It’s more than just a few interviews! Here’s a look at many of the different parts of the process that will cost you time:


Writing Job Descriptions

After determining you need to fill a position, you have to define the job duties and responsibilities and then take the time to write a job description that would be enticing to applicants.

Posting Job Openings

Once you have the job description written, you have to decide where to post the opening and upload them.

Looking Through Resumes

Hopefully soon the resumes will begin rolling in, which is great……until you have more than you’re able to review. Especially in times of higher unemployment, you may receive dozens or hundreds of resumes.

Contacting Applicants and Scheduling Interviews

After looking through a lot of resumes, it’s time to narrow down the choices and start contacting people to schedule an interview.

One or More Interview Rounds

Finally! It’s time to actually meet some of the top applicants. Although necessary, the interview process can be one of the longest parts of the process, especially if you have several great candidates you want to interview. Sometimes you may be lucky enough to need only one round of interviews, but you may need to schedule follow-ups, too.

Choosing the Best Applicant(s)

After interviewing, you may have had one candidate really jump out at you, but more likely, you’ll need to take the time to really review your interview notes to determine which candidate you’d like to hire.

Sending an Offer and Negotiations

Once you’ve chosen a candidate, it’s time to draft the offer! You may get lucky and have your top choice accept your first offer; however, you may also have to take the time to go through some negotiations with them.

Starting Over?

Sometimes you can go through the entire hiring process just to find that the only candidate who fit your requirements has accepted another offer, and you have to restart the process.


It sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? That’s because it is! If you have one or more open positions to fill, you probably already have extra work to worry about, and taking the time to go through the hiring process yourself can get you even further behind. Luckily, you don’t have to do it all yourself. We’d love to be AtWork for YOU to find the perfect candidates for your open positions. Visit AtWork.com/locations to find an office near you.