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AtWork was built upon three core values: lead, empower, and excel. At AtWork, we are recognized in the staffing industry for our outstanding customer service and development of staffing technology that allows us to outperform our competitors. Our goal is to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. We constantly review what we do, how we do it, and who we are...every day. Here are a couple ways you can help your workplace excel, too:


Constantly look for ways to improve.

In this interview with Franchise Chatter, AtWork President and COO Jason Leverant said, “John Hall [AtWork’s founder] had a motto, we never lived by the thought ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ Instead he challenged all of us ‘If it’s not broken, you’re not looking hard enough! Fix it anyways!’ This mindset has helped us review everything we do and live in a constant state of improvement.”


Make valuable hires and value those employees.

Your employees have a large impact upon the success of your business, so when you make a hire, you want to make sure it’s the right one. You can read more about the hidden costs of a bad hire here. Valuable employees can help you improve workplace processes, productivity, morale, etc., and when you have great employees, showing them you value them and their contributions will help reduce turnover and give them incentives to continue working well with you.


If you’re looking to make a valuable hire, we’re AtWork for YOU! Visit atwork.com/locations to find an office near you.