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Even in the best times, employee happiness is an important factor to consider at work. According to this article from Inc., “Study after study shows that when employees are happy, they’re more engaged. As a result, they’re more productive, more likely to deliver high-quality results and more loyal to the company. Not only does this ensure that the organization runs more smoothly, but it also increases profits and reduces turnover.” Basically, emphasizing employee happiness is a win-win situation. Here are a few ways to help promote happiness:


Give your employees a voice.

Consider asking employees for feedback or simply listening if they approach you with ideas, and implement suggestions that make sense for your business. Your employees will appreciate feeling that their voices matter.


Offer competitive salaries.

Sure, money isn’t everything when it comes to job satisfaction, but at the end of the day, your employees have bills to pay. Even if you offer great perks, employees will be frustrated if they feel they’re being paid less than their market value.


Give recognition.

People like to feel appreciated. Offering recognition when your employees hit a project out of the park is an easy, low-cost way to make them feel appreciated.


Give them the big picture of their work.

Even if an employee likes their job, they may not be sure what happens when their projects leave their office. Giving employees an idea of how their roles fit into the big picture can help put a sense of purpose behind their work.


Promote work-life balance.

Your employees have lives outside of work just like you do, and sometimes life doesn’t follow a schedule. From doctor appointments to kids’ baseball games and anything in between, their lives can’t always shut off until 5pm. Do your best to accommodate them, and they’ll likely return the favor with increased productivity.


Besides the benefits outlined at the beginning of this article, fostering a happy workplace also helps attract top talent to your business. If you’re looking for great talent, we’d love to be AtWork for YOU! Visit atwork.com/locations to find an office near you!