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Have you ever had an interview that didn’t go as well as you hoped? We’ve all been there, but some are worse than others. If you’re feeling down after an unsuccessful interview, here are a few of our favorite stories about interview mishaps from some of our offices:


“An employee came in to apply to a heavy machine operator position. When we mentioned a drug test, he said to give him an hour, and he can come back with some clean urine.”


“An employee came to our office to apply. After helping this employee find our office over the phone for 15 minutes, he finally got to our office. I stuck my hand out to greet him, and he immediately went in for the hug. As he got close to me, I stuck my pointer finger out at him and told him, “HR doesn’t allow that here.” My recruiter almost choked on the donut hole she was eating.”


“An employee came to my office and filled out our application paperwork. When my recruiter interviewed him, he noticed he looked familiar, but the guy told him he had never been to our office before. After 25 minutes of him pretending not to speak English, he finally fessed up and said he has been here previously. We had put him to work, but he had walked off the job after two hours because he didn’t like it. He also mentioned that his authorization to work has expired, and he thought we could just put him to work.”


“An applicant told us on a Friday, ‘I will call you when I am available because I am currently working at [redacted].’ Three days later on Monday, the applicant called and said, ‘Why haven’t you called me about any positions?’”


“We had someone show up for a Zoom interview without a shirt on, so there’s that...”


It can be frustrating when an interview doesn’t meet your expectations, but hopefully these stories will make you feel better about yours. If you’re still looking for a position, visit atwork.com/locations to find an office near you!