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More and more employers are onboarding employees virtually these days, which requires different considerations than in-person onboarding. If not done properly, you run the risk of making your new hires feel alienated and overwhelmed. Here are some tips to help the process run more smoothly for both you and your new hires:



In general, it’s better to communicate too much than not enough. If you’re worried about your new employee suffering from information overload, consider compiling information in organized documents instead of bombarding them with fifty emails or messages in a row.


Encourage communication from the rest of the team

Your new employees will need to work with the rest of your team in some capacity at some point, so encourage your other employees to introduce themselves. You could also consider having a brief welcome video chat.


Provide Mentors

Beginning a new job as a remote employee can lead to feelings of isolation. Whether it’s you or someone else, get a mentorship started between the new hire and an employee who’s been with your business longer. You can also provide a list that will show your new hire the best people to contact for certain topics.


Set specific, achievable goals

If you provide specific goals, both you and the new hire will know if they’re on the right track. Consider starting with easily achievable goals to help them (and you!) develop confidence in their ability to adjust to the position.


Schedule video check-ins

Schedule time to check in with new employees to ensure that you’re both on the same page, and you can each address any issues or questions.


Provide and request feedback

As a manager/employer, you’re likely used to giving feedback, and that’s still going to be important here. Just make sure that your feedback isn’t vague and that you provide your new hires will a path to fix any issues. However, it’s also important to ask for feedback to know whether or not the onboarding process is on the right path for your employees’ job satisfaction.


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