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Setting resolutions at the beginning of each year can be a great way to reach your goals in your personal life, but it’s also a good habit to begin in your professional life. Don’t know where to start? Here’s a few ideas:


Learn a new skill

Is there a new topic you’ve been wanting to research or a new program you would like to learn? Commit to doing so this year. Set aside some time each day, week, or month to dedicate to professional development. A resolution to learn can be personally gratifying and can help you progress in your career.


Increase your network

Everyone knows that sometimes it’s not what you know but who you know, so aim to cover both bases by meeting new people in your industry. Forging meaningful professional relationships can help everyone involved. Whether you gain knowledge, a new job, or even just professional support, this resolution can be mutually beneficial in many ways.


Develop stress-relieving habits

Each person is different, and what works for one person may not work for you. You could resolve to find a few habits that do help reduce your stress levels this year. You could try eating your lunches outside of the office or setting alarms to take breathing/meditation breaks every couple hours. Experiment with it until you find something that helps you.


Of course, if your professional life has hit a wall and needs a little jump start, AtWork can help. We find over 50,000 people the job that they’re looking for every year, and we could help you do the same. Just visit AtWork.com/locations to get started!