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According to Genesys, workforce management is “the process of strategically optimizing the productivity of employees to ensure that all resources are in the right place at the right time.” If you’re hoping to improve your workplace’s productivity in 2020, it’s time to take a look at your workforce management strategies. Here’s a few trends that will be important to consider this year:


Collaborative Workspaces

Although technological solutions like Slack are becoming increasingly popular and can encourage interoffice communication, it’s still imperative to foster face-to-face collaboration in the workplace. Consider ways to implement this idea for your business. Perhaps you could offer shared workspaces where people can choose to sit and work together to break up the monotony of working in individual spaces all day.


Generational Changes

We’re at an interesting point in history because we currently have the following five generations in the workforce: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. According to an article from Inc, because Traditionalists were “born between 1928 and 1945, you don’t see many of them in [the] workplace. However, they still impressively make up around three percent of the workforce.” With five different generations currently working, it’s inevitable that their generational differences will leak into your workspace. Take some time to analyze how employees interact with each other, and consider ways to help span the generational workstyle gaps.


Gig Economy

According to an article from HR Technologist, “16.5 million Americans rely on temporary work, freelancing and on-demand employment apps to make ends meet today. While 50 percent of millennial workers are already part of the gig economy, it is projected that a majority of all U.S. workers will be gig workers by 2027, if the gig economy continues to grow at its current rate.” Consider taking advantage of the booming gig economy to increase productivity, especially during busier seasons. If this method sounds appealing to you, AtWork can help you meet your workforce needs. Simply visit atwork.com/locations to find an office near you, and we’ll be AtWork for YOU!