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Can you see yourself succeeding as a business owner in 2020? If you’re looking for ways to grow your business this year to reach the levels of success you crave, here are a few tips:


Write down your goals.

If you’ve made New Year’s resolutions for your business this year, you should write them down instead of keeping them inside your head. According to a Forbes article, “people who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals than people who don’t.”


Get to know your target market and customers.

Achieving your goals will be significantly easier if you have a good understanding of the people you’re targeting. Consider talking with your current customers to learn more about who they are and what drives them to make decisions relating to your products and/or services. Doing so will help you develop or solidify your business’s target market so that you can tailor your messages to the right people.


Emphasize customer service.

After learning more about your target market, think about your current levels and expectations for customer service. Does your current method align with what your market expects? If not, take the time to tweak the way you provide service. Doing so will make the right people feel valued by your company and will help generate and grow brand loyalty.


Consider using a staffing agency.

As you’re working towards your goals, it’s likely that you will experience staffing issues of some sort, such as discovering you need more employees than you have. You don’t have to take a significant amount of time away from working towards your goals to deal with staffing issues; you can hire a staffing agency to handle the heavy lifting to let you focus on growing your business.


If you decide to use a staffing agency to help you focus on your goals, we want to be AtWork for YOU! Visit AtWork.com/locations to find an office near you.