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Because the current job market is facing low unemployment rates and increased competition when it comes to hiring, company culture is an important driver in both sourcing and retaining quality employees. If you want to start the new decade on the right foot, here are four ways to improve your company culture:



Improve your onboarding process.

Besides the job interview(s), your onboarding process is one of the first and most in-depth introductions to your workplace and its culture that your new employees receive. Because first impressions are important, you need to make sure your company has a solid onboarding process that eases employees into your workplace. Throughout the process, be clear and consistent and allow your new employees to contact you with questions and concerns leading up to the start dates. This is also the perfect time to introduce the employees to your mission, values, and vision so that they get a feel for the culture.


Ask and listen to your employees.

A great way to discover how your company culture needs to improve is simply to ask your employees and actually listen. Doing so will make your employees feel that their voices matter in the workplace, and it will make your life easier because you’ll discover what’s really important to them. Maybe you won’t be able to fulfill all their wishes, but it’s a great start.


Be flexible.

Being flexible with your employees is paramount for keeping them happy and promoting a healthy work-life balance. Flexibility can mean several different things. You could implement a work-from-home policy that works for your workplace. You could even rearrange your office space to allow employees to work from somewhere in the office besides their desk if they simply need a change of scenery.


Reward and acknowledge employees.

Has one of your employees done exceptional work lately, hit a major goal, or done something else of note in the office? Consider rewarding or recognizing that employee in some way. Doing so will make them feel valued and will let them know you appreciate their contributions.


Company culture continues to grow in importance as the job market remains tight and employees' ideas about what makes a job the right fit evolve. AtWork’s expert recruiters recognize that communicating your culture to a potential employee early in the screening process is critical to placing the right employee into the right job. To learn more, visit AtWork.com/Locations to reach out to a branch near you today!