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The start of a new year is a time people enjoy taking stock of where they are compared to where they want to be, but the upcoming new year is also the beginning of a new decade. If you want to start this decade by finding a new job, here’s a few tips:


Decide what you’re looking for.

Are you wanting to make an advancement in your current career? Are you wanting to change careers entirely? Either way, decide what’s right for you. Think about the next step you want to take in your current career or the different career paths you’re interested in.


Update your resume.

Once you decide what you’re looking for, it’s time to update your resume. You don’t want to update your resume before figuring out your goals because you need to tailor your updated resume to the jobs you’ll be applying for. Think about your past experience and how your skills from those align with the skills you need for the job you want.


Update your LinkedIn.

Now it’s time for you to update your LinkedIn. Upload your updated resume and select the option to let recruiters know you’re open to new opportunities. Turn on job alerts for job searches that most closely align with what you want so that you’ll receive a notification when new opportunities are posted.


Use the resources you have available to you.

As a job seeker, you have several resources available to you. You can use LinkedIn to connect to recruiters or people in your desired job field or company. You can talk with your friends and others you know about any job openings they know of. A staffing agency is also a good resource to utilize.


At AtWork, we can make your New Year’s job search easier to handle. We pride ourselves on being able to match job seekers to jobs that are great fits for both the employees and the employers. Visit atwork.com/locations to find an office near you, and let’s get started on the new you.