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Even in the best of circumstances, the time will come for there to be a leadership change within your company. These changes can be very stressful for team members as they both try to adjust to new management and process their own feelings about the change. There are some steps you can take, however, that will help lessen the stress of the transition:

Be transparent about the process: Don’t keep your team in the dark about the process of recruiting and selecting new company leaders. Doing so could potentially lead to the spread of misinformation, creating unnecessary anxiety among team members.

Have a consistent message: From day one be consistent with why you are making the change, who it will affect and how, and how the company will benefit from the decision. Being wishy-washy with your message could cause your team to question your true motives.

Announce in a timely manner: Again, to keep the office rumor mill from beginning to churn, it’s wise to announce your intentions as soon as possible. This also helps your team to feel more involved in the process and, by extension, more valued.

Explain your reasoning: Transparency is a definite theme in bringing on new leadership, and transparency with your reasoning about the changes could be the most important. Ensure that your team knows why you made your decision and how it will benefit them in the long run.

Make the introductions sooner vs. later: Once your new candidate has been chosen, be quick to introduce them to the team in order to begin building camaraderie as quickly as possible.

Invite feedback and keep your team engaged: Throughout the process, keep your existing team engaged and invite their feedback, both on the process and the candidates, as necessary. This will help them to feel like they’re a greater part of the process and that their feedback is valuable.

Leadership transitions can be stressful, but these tips can help you manage the change without rocking the boat too hard. And, if you’re on the hunt for the perfect team members­, from senior leadership to temporary help, AtWork has you covered. Visit AtWork.com/Locations to contact a branch near you today!