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In today’s “always on” society, life’s pressures can build up quickly. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the workplace. Not only do most American workers spend a huge amount of their time physically in their workplace, but these hours at work are often the most stressful of the entire day. To help employees combat the effects of workplace stress, employers should consider making the workplace more mental health friendly. Here are a few of the most common efforts being made:

Promotion of work/life balance: A healthy work/life balance is critical for stress management at work. Many employers now offer more flexible schedule, increased maternity/paternity leave, and even some telecommuting options to help employees find balance.

Stigma reduction: Often, those suffering from mental health issues in the workplace are stigmatized for their condition and how it may be affecting their work. Savvy employers are quick to be supportive of these employees and provide guidance to team members on how to be helpful, rather than hurtful.

In-service events: Some employers are going so far as to have in-service events promoting mental health in the office, with many hiring therapists for half-day workshops designed to teach employees how to effectively build healthy strategies into their lives.

Support: It’s the easiest thing to do, but it’s also so easy to overlook. Just being supportive of employees who may be struggling, whether it be by offering some extra break time, lunch or another perk on the company, or some other form of encouragement, can go a long way toward building a supportive, healthy environment.

Mental health in the workplace is more important now than ever, but you’ve got to start with a great job first! If you’re on the hunt, visit AtWork.com/Locations to find a branch near you today!