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Over the last few years, the STEM workforce has been steadily gaining attention across the country as many employers struggle to find candidates adequately trained in science, tech, engineering, and math, and educational systems from elementary schools to universities scramble to include more STEM courses into their curriculum. But, for all of the attention, the STEM workforce is still rather loosely defined and difficult to study. However, here are three facts from the Pew Research Center that may surprise you:

Many STEM workers do not have a bachelor’s degree: According to the research, as many as 35% of STEM workers do not have their bachelor’s, with the majority being health care practitioners, computer workers and engineers.

Many trained STEM workers are employed in other fields: The research found that about half of those people with at least a bachelor’s level education in a STEM field are working in other industries such as business and finance.

Minorities are underrepresented: Compared to their share of the American workforce as a whole, African Americans and Hispanics are underrepresented in virtually every STEM category with the exception of healthcare practitioners and techs.

As technologies advance the STEM workforce is certain to continue to expand. If you’re on the hunt for STEM trained workers, AtWork can help. Visit AtWork.com/Locations to find a branch near you today!