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Career fairs are a convenient way for job seekers to connect with a number of different companies at one time, reducing the time spent pursuing each opportunity individually and offering an opportunity to learn in a lower-pressure setting than a traditional interview. However, going into a career fair unprepared is likely to lead to frustration and missed opportunity. Here are three tips that can help you make an impact at your next career fair:

Plan: Don’t go in blind; make a plan that includes which attendees you’d most like to meet with, what you intend to say to them upon meeting, etc. Also be sure to have current copies of your resume and portfolio that you can leave behind with the hottest opportunities.

Dress for Success: It doesn’t matter if the career fair is being held in a high-rise office or high school gym, come dressed to impress. You may not need a three-piece suit (unless the job you want requires it), but don’t come in dressed for a construction site either. At minimum, adhere to corporate casual standards, and don’t be afraid to go a little above and beyond!

Create an Elevator Pitch: Coming up with a few words to introduce yourself and pitch your talents ahead of the job fair is a great idea. This will both give potential employers a concise idea of what you are capable of and inspire self-confidence as you continue to repeat the skills and qualities that make you great at what you do.

Anyone on the hunt for a new job knows the important role career fairs play in finding the right position. But, if you’re totally stuck and need some professional guidance, AtWork can help. Visit AtWork.com/Locations to find a branch near you today!