Is that Job Real or a Scam?
The Internet has made finding job postings much easier thanks to websites like Indeed and ZipRecruiter, but it’s also made it easier to find scam job postings. Searching for a job is already stressful enough as it is; you don’t have time to go through the application process for a job that ends up being a scam! Here are five questions to ask yourself to determine the credibility of a job posting before going to too much trouble:
Have you heard of the company? If not, can you easily find it on Google or Glassdoor?
If you’ve already heard of the company before, then you should already have a good idea of whether or not the job posting is legitimate. If you haven’t heard of the company, that’s not necessarily a bad sign, but you should take the time to Google the company or search Glassdoor for employee reviews. If you can’t find much or any information about the company in your searches, that’s a good indication that the company is likely fake.
Was the job listing posted a few months ago?
If the listing was posted a while ago, it may or may not be a scam, but it likely isn’t worth your time. It could be a listing that the company forgot to remove after filling the position, or it could mean that the company is being very choosy in their hiring process, which could be an indicator of an undesirable work environment.
Has the job listing been posted several times?
Again, in this scenario, the job may or may not be a scam, but it’s possible that it isn’t a job you want to pursue. Being posted several times could mean that the job involves working in a work environment that produces a great deal of turnover, or it could mean that the company is being choosy when picking candidates. It could also be a scammer who is continuing to find new victims.
Does the job seem too good to be true?
Sometimes you may run across a job posting that sounds perfect. The job apparently allows you to work from home and create your own hours while still letting you earn thousands a month. There are many jobs that offer flexibility in hours or work-from-home perks, but if you’re asking yourself if the job is too good to be true, it probably is!
Do you have to pay for something? (i.e. background checks, training, software, etc.)
Finding a job can cost money in terms of interview apparel, transportation costs, etc. However, legitimate employers will not ask you to pay for something like a background check or items required to do your job like training or software. An employer will pay you to work for them, not the other way around.
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether or not a job is real, but asking yourself these questions can help you find any red flags. If you’re tired of finding scams on job boards, we’re happy to help you skip the hassle! Visit to find a location near you!