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Today, attracting and retaining great talent is harder than ever. As more millennials enter the workforce, expectations are changing rapidly, and traditional perks and benefits are no longer exciting enough to be able to lure over (or keep) all-star employees. Sure, purpose-filled work, a great salary, and opportunity for advancement are all important, but more job seekers are indicating that more enjoyable, less-stressful workdays are just as important as money, sending employers scrambling to find the right perks to attract the best and brightest. If this is where your business is finding itself, these three tips could help:

Offer Generous PTO – Nothing stresses an employee more than needing a little time away—perhaps for child care emergencies, health issues, or other personal matters—and not having the paid time away from work to take it. Giving employees a generous amount of both vacation time and miscellaneous days off can relieve that stress and help build employee loyalty.

Consider Employee Health and Wellness – It’s only logical that a healthy workforce is a more productive workforce, and there are many ways to help make sure that your employees are taking care of their physical selves. One low-cost option is to approach local gyms for group discounts for your staff and incentivize those employees who participate by offering additional bonuses or perks for wellness goals achieved.

Offer a Flexible Work Environment – Some days an employee may be able to work, just not from their desk. Even if you have a generous PTO program, an employee may prefer the flexibility to work from their home office in order to be more productive and to avoid taking a full day off. It may be scary to not see the employee at their desk doing their job but, if you focus more on the results they are producing and less on their physical whereabouts, you will find that many employees are just as productive when left to their own devices as they are with constant supervision.

Finding and retaining the best employees for your business is challenging but offering the right perks can be a big plus. Of course, if you need help finding the right talent in the first place, AtWork can help. Find a branch near you at AtWork.com/locations today to get started!