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In times of full employment finding the right candidates to fill open positions is an understandably challenging task. Even when considering passive candidates—those who are employed but may be lured into a different position—the potential pool of applicants is so small that you may need to tweak how you’re pursuing candidates in order to land the employees you need. If that’s where you find yourself, here are three tips that can help you stand out in the eyes of potential hires:

Involve current employees – Who better to help build your workforce than, well, your workforce! Take the time to develop an incentive program that will encourage your best and brightest to recruit their friends for you!

Practice candidate-specific networking – Networking is one of the best ways to find new hires and, in particular, those passive candidates that we mentioned earlier. However, your local BNI group or Chamber of Commerce event may not be the right place to find talent with specific skillsets. Instead, take the time to research local trade groups for the type of employee you’re after, then network at events catering specifically to those people.

Hold an open house – It might seem a little odd at first but having an open house at your office is a great way to lure potential candidates in for a personalized tour. This technique can be especially effective when paired with the first tip in this series, as your current employees would be likely to bring guests, especially if there is even passive interest in a new job.

Finding talent is tough, but AtWork can help. If you’re struggling to fill your open positions, visit AtWork.com/locations to find a branch near you today!