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Recruiting top talent for your company can be challenging. Low unemployment doesn’t make it any easier and, as companies struggle to find candidates, many are beginning to recognize the importance of their employer brand and its impact on recruiting efforts. As recruiting becomes more of an exercise in marketing than ever, savvy companies are sharing what it’s really like to work with them, offering insights into company culture, career progression, etc. in order to be as appealing as possible. If you’re struggling to consistently find great candidates, perhaps it’s time to start paying more attention to your employer brand. Here are a few helpful tips to get you started:

Define Your Message: Be sure to create and polish your company’s message so that candidates will have some insight into your mission, core values, and company culture.

Nurture Your Culture: Speaking of culture, take the time to create and nurture an office culture that will be attractive to the types of candidates you’re looking to hire. For example, many millennials value a culture of inclusivity and diversity. As such, if you are looking to hire from this demographic, it would be a good idea to guide your company’s culture in that direction!

Understand How People See Your Brand: Have you taken the time to read through your online reviews lately? What about social media comments and interactions? Monitoring these channels can give you great insight into what the community at large thinks of your brand, allowing you to home in on ways to improve.

Embrace Tech: Tech can be very beneficial for your employer brand by providing better communication channels and improving the overall candidate experience. Job searching, the application process, assessments, interviews and more can all be streamlined and made more enjoyable overall with the right solutions.

In today’s tight talent market, it’s harder than ever to find the right candidates. Following the tips above, however, will help you ensure that your brand gets noticed. And, if you need a little extra help, visit AtWork.com/locations to find an AtWork branch near you!