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When jumping into a job search, it’s important to know where to begin. Gone are the days when you’d flip open the Sunday paper to the classified section and browse available positions. Today’s job seeker must rely on technology more than ever in their search, while also knowing when to turn away from the screen and to a pro. If you’re about to go on the hunt, here are four places to start your search:

Craigslist: Though it can be full of spammy “job opportunities” and work from home scams, many legitimate employers do post their positions to Craigslist, so it’s worth a look. Just be careful when engaging with anyone posting a job on the site…just in case!

Job Sites: Job search sites such as Indeed, Monster, and Careerbuilder are many people’s jumping off point for their job search, for obvious reasons. Most employers tend to post their jobs to these major boards since they are well-marketed and get consisten traffic from job seekers.

Social Networking Sites: Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Instagram, are becoming increasingly popular places for employers to post jobs, thanks to the large amount of time many people spend within the platforms. Facebook, in particular, is beginning to cater to this line of business by rolling out a formal jobs feature, which is currently in a beta stage.

And, last but not least…

Employment Agencies: We couldn’t get by without a plug, right? Employment agencies, such as AtWork, place talented job seekers into jobs that are ideally suited for their skillsets, every day. So, if you’re on the hunt, why not start by finding an AtWork branch near you at AtWork.com/locations.