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So, you’ve gotten your resume in front of the right decision makers and now you have an interview scheduled. Congrats! You are one step closer to the job you want, but you still have to perform well during the interview in order to seal the deal. As you prepare for your big day, here’s a short list of items to bring along, just in case:

Your Resume — Even if the interviewing company has seen it several times before, it’s always a good idea to bring 3-5 copies of your resume along with you to the interview. Not only can you reference the document yourself, but you can also provide copies to any interviewers who possibly haven’t reviewed it yet.

References — Along with your resume, bring 3-5 copies of your professional references to the interview as well. You may leave these references with the interviewers during the interview so that they may follow up on their own afterward.

Pen, Paper…Mints? — Ok, so the pen and paper probably make immediate sense. You’ll most likely need to take notes during the interview, and you’ll need a way to do that. But mints? Yes, they can be a good idea. Interviews are often conducted in small meeting areas and, well, let’s just say that you don’t want to offend, especially if you just had a big burger with onions for lunch!

Questions for the Interview Team — It’s always a good idea to not just answer the questions asked of you during an interview, but to also have some ready for the interviewers themselves. Questions about company culture, office camaraderie, and other, non-salary related questions are a good place to start.

Briefcase or Portfolio — One last thing to remember is a professional briefcase or portfolio in which to carry the items listed above. The added appearance of professionalism can be a boost, especially for white collar positions.

An interview is arguably the most important, and often most stressful, parts of the job search process. However, by going in prepared you can dramatically improve your chances of landing the job. And, if you’re on the hunt for a new position but don’t know where to start, AtWork has you covered. Visit AtWork.com/locations to find an AtWork branch near you tod