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The holiday season is upon us and people across the country are making extra money by taking on seasonal work. But, exactly what types of companies are hiring, and will you be interested in—and qualified for—what they have to offer? Here’s a quick look at a few industries that will be taking advantage of seasonal help this year:

Retail: Retail companies of all types experience a surge in business around the holidays. Whether it’s a home improvement warehouse or your favorite shoe shop at the mall, retail outlets are good places to look for a temp job for the season.Call Center: Though many call centers utilize temporary labor throughout the year, they often experience an even higher volume than usual through the holiday season, prompting seasonal hiring. If you’re looking for a desk job for the season, these sorts of positions could be for you!

Warehousing and Distribution: Like call centers, warehousing and distribution facilities typically use temporary labor year-round. However, like retail outlets (and, arguably, because of their seasonal success) these facilities experience an increase in business throughout the holiday season and must adjust their workforces accordingly.

If you’re on the hunt for seasonal work, there’s still some time to find a position that you’ll love. Get started by visiting AtWork.com/locations today to find an AtWork branch near you!