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Choosing to make a career change and putting yourself back onto the job market can be an intimidating process. Partnering with one of AtWork’s professional recruiters in order to quickly find the job you want is a good start, but it’s not the end of the process! Now that your recruiter is on the hunt for the right position for you, here are four things you can do to help them help you stand out.

Know the job you want but be flexible: It’s totally fine to know what kind of job you’re looking for. However, recruiters can often find jobs that you may be qualified for but may not have considered. Having a flexible attitude can help you land a job more quickly in these situations!

Take the time to update your resume: Though a recruiter is an excellent partner for your job search, they can’t do everything. Take the time to not only update your work history, but also your extra-curricular activities such as volunteer efforts, any boards on which you serve, etc.

Practice your interview skills: Interviews can be stressful. In order to interview well, ask your recruiter for some sample interview questions, then take the time to practice at home so that you’re well prepared for the actual interview.

Be well-presented and punctual: This one should go without saying! A good rule of thumb is to dress your best, no matter what position you’re interviewing for and plan to show up 5-10 minutes early for the interview itself, in order to avoid being rushed or possibly late.

AtWork’s expert recruiters are the perfect partners for find your next job. By following the advice above you can give them an upper-hand when it comes to finding the job that’s the right fit for you.

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