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Technical and computer-based skill sets top staffing needs in 2018, and that is not expected to change for years to come.

LinkedIn analyzed international job postings throughout 2016, and matched skills listed in profiles with the needs and jobs of companies that hired users. The popular job-networking site concluded that staffing demands are highest in the following fields: cloud-computing and data-mining; digital user interface; and data visualization. While search-engine optimization skills remain in the top 10, marketing and campaign management dropped from the list. Network and information security skills are expected to remain strong throughout this year.

The most in-demand skill sets varied by country, with some still-emerging economies, such as those in India and China, demonstrated a need for more traditional skills such as economics, international relations and public relations and communications. Recruiting was also listed as an asset in several countries.

Other analyses also indicated less tech-heavy – but still requiring some degree of technological sophistication – skills remain in demand, such as content writing, blog management and social-media marketing.
Strategic planning skills and an ability to grasp the big picture – and working to help your company achieve its goals – are also a commodity in the modern workforce.

These and other “soft skills” – including collaboration, personability and time-management – still remain in demand, and when coupled with some of the aforementioned tech-based skills, make an employee even more desirable.

But professionals must continue to hone and sharpen all skill sets, especially on the technology front. Some technical skills can become obsolete quickly. Don’t be Atari in a PlayStation age.

Some talents remain timeless, however: Creativity, inquisitiveness, communication skills – including solid writing – and teamwork can make a prospective employee even more attractive.
For more information about the most marketable modern skill sets, consult your AtWork Groupemployment specialist today.